
wannabe webpage

Icab's webpage

The place to get icab


macynx homepage

The site that is porting lynx to mac

macorchanards database of web browsers

There are others brothers then the three listed, but this is a overview of light browser and I can't do all of them.The macorchard has a list of web browsers for mac (a lot of them are old and not updated but could be useful for some).

Netscape's homepage

The internet explorer's webpage


When did this search for light browsers begin?

I've been keeping my eye on icab for a while (and have been using it too).I have a power center 180 (with a g3 300 card ), 144 megs of ram (what am I gonna do with all this?),one 2 gig "system" drive, two 4 gig storage drives all scsi, a ati rage orion video card, usb and a newly aquired orange micro scsi card.I also have a cable modem, that ran through a linux box (made from spare parts from upgrading my brothers computer) to our lan.So basically if I use any browser, and the webpage on the end is in decent condition, loading just screams.Well, this week I'm going to my grandma's house, and she does not have a computer.I rembered luckly that we still have our powerbook 170 (my se/30 to go ;) ) and we warmed it up.This is of course not your usal powerbook we got 8 megs of ram (but the tech specs say the max is 6, interesting..) a 500 meg hard disk (which was a great bargin we got from ebay for about 20 bucks, and was upgraded from is measly 80).It also has a power port modem on it (that was origionally 14.4 but replaced or upgraded to 28.8).For many years, that power port was the fastest modem in the house, untill we got a 56k modem.The powerbook was origionally owned by the company that my dad worked for (but after a few years of service it was neglected and dad was allowed to barrow it for 2 years).After then, when he left they just gave it to him sence no one used it at work.So some things are in question as how they became, like it having 8 megs of memory for that was they way it was when we got it but I'm not complaing :).Anyhow after checking that it still booted, and found that the battery was semi- broken (it gave power for about 45 seconds and would suddenly die, but the battery didn't last that long to begin with and we're just going to plug it in anyway so thats fine.I then inserted the dial up settings for earthlink (its been 3 months and dad's still reluctant to drop it for he will loose his email address, but hey in this case it came in handy).I then downloaded the list of phone numbers from earthlinks page, made a 2nd settings for my grandma's house and should be ready to go.I tested out the modem at home and it worked fine (although a bit slugishly although I expect that sence the isp is now 56k only and 56k is not that great at downword compatiability.It works though, and for email it shold work just fine.So if I'm gonna be vewing page on this, I'll look for some browsers.I immeditly put icab on it and it ran ok, better then netscape could ever have but I wanted to see if something better for what I need could be found.I did some searching and found lynx and wannabe.They are text only but run extremely fast for just loading text pages.This then brought me to the conclusion that it was the cpu that was boggin down everything.I have my email setup for pop though, so I'll use eudora (which is much more friendly then a webpage anyday) for my emailing needs.

This page is copywrite ©2000 Ian Sidle.All rights are property of their proper owners.